Good hair made simple.
We are inclusive, experienced hairstylists located in Clintonville in Columbus, Ohio.
non-toxic people and products
gender-affirming, no hate space.
Is this your first time?
Here’s how to get started!
Step 1: Choose your stylist.
Browse our bios and see who resonates with you. You are welcome to try us all, and we will refer you to another stylist in the collective if we feel they will better suit your needs.
Step 2: Click our links.
Each stylist’s booking link will take you right to their service menu and schedule. Any questions? You can e-mail each stylist directly as well.
3. Want to get in ASAP?
If you don’t need to see a certain stylist and just want to get in as soon as possible, click below but leave the stylist area blank, and the first available opening will pop up.
What do our clients say about us?
“What a lovely, calm, welcoming experience.”
“I’ve been going to Lucky 13 for years, their work has always been first rate!”
“Love the environment, very clean, great location too!”
see for yourself!
For us, being a collective means we are independent stylists who run our own businesses in the context of a supportive, collaborative environment. Our goal is to create a laid-back yet professional space where everyone has the freedom to grow their career and craft.
Like most older buildings in central Clintonville, we have only street parking available. There are usually spots along High Street or around the corner on California Avenue. It is rare that you cannot find a spot within half a block of our building.
At this point, masks are welcome but not required. We have stations spaced far apart, everything is sanitized after use, and there is fresh air circulating throughout the day. We ask that you not come in if you have symptoms of anything contagious, including colds and flu!
Each of our stylists sets their own prices and they are listed while you are browsing our online booking system, so there should be no surprises. If you need any guidance in choosing which stylist or service is right for you, please e-mail us!